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Ամինաթթուներ սահմանում և բացատրություն

It’s widely known that protein is essential to our body. What is not as well known, is that it’s not only the protein quantity that counts but also its quality. And there are various strategies to assess the protein quality. US Food and Drug Administration recommends Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS ) as the quality assessment norm. ( A crucial role in determining the quality is played by the number of Amino Acids the food contains. There are 9 amino acids that we can get only from food. Protein is of high quality if it contains all of those amino acids in the right quantities.

Օրինակ՝ ամինաթթուների դիագրամ ՁՎԻ համար

The primary source of information is the FDA Food Central (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which is the primary source of advice on this web resource.
Ցանկացած դիետա սկսելուց առաջ անհապաղ խորհդակցեք Ձեր բժիշկի հետ: