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Graham Cracker and Diabetes - Is It Good For Diabetics

Article author photo Elen Khachatrian by Elen Khachatrian | Last updated on Սեպտեմբերի 04, 2024
Medically reviewed by Ani Harutyunyan Article author photo Ani Harutyunyan

Graham cracker diabetes, glycemic index and load, carbs, fats


Graham cracker is a famous type of cracker made with whole wheat flour. We will discuss how graham crackers can affect blood sugar levels in diabetes.

Glycemic Index and Carbohydrates

The total amount of carbs you consume may impact your blood glucose levels after you eat. Graham cracker has 78g carbs per 100g and 11.7g per serving (15 grams or one cracker).

Products made from wheat flour generally contain complex carbohydrates, which need to be broken down into more simple carbs to be absorbed in your intestine. Thus, Graham cracker is a relatively good choice for people with diabetes because it needs time for spikes in blood sugar levels. However, keep in mind that crackers may contain added sugars.

Graham cracker has a glycemic index equal to 74, which is considered a high GI. The number of carbs and GI index show that graham cracker consumption can raise blood sugar levels.

You can visit our Glycemic index chart page for GI values of 350 pages (1).


Try to avoid graham crackers if you manage your diabetes and blood glucose levels.

Graham crackers are typically made with refined flour and sugar and provide few nutrients. They also are high in carbs, which can raise blood sugar.

Article author photo Elen Khachatrian
Մասնագիտությունը՝ Nutrition & Microbiology at YSU
Թարմացվել է՝ Սեպտեմբերի 04, 2024
Medically reviewed by Ani Harutyunyan
Ցանկացած դիետա սկսելուց առաջ անհապաղ խորհդակցեք Ձեր բժիշկի հետ: