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Gastroparesis Liquid Diet: Food List & Guide

Article author photo Arpi Gasparyan Arpi Gasparyan | Обновлено: Июнь 17, 2023
Проверено Elen Khachatrian Article author photo Elen Khachatrian


In gastroparesis, food passes through the stomach more slowly than usual, causing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating, early satiety, and upper abdominal pain; however, the passage of liquids is usually normal.

A  gastroparesis diet consists of fluids, foods that are normally liquid, and foods turning to liquid at room temperature (such as ice cream). Depending on the severity of the disease, some people may also consume pureed and strained foods.


Gastroparesis (stomach paralysis) is a chronic condition characterized by delayed gastric emptying, or in simple words, food passes through the stomach more slowly than usual.

Typically, stomach muscles contract and crush the food into small pieces and push them into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients. In gastroparesis, stomach muscles work poorly, causing various symptoms (1, 2).

Gastric (stomach) emptying of liquids is usually normal; thus, a liquid diet high in calories and small in volume may provide calories and nutrients without exacerbating the symptoms (3).

Gastroparesis Causes & Symptoms

Commonly known causes of gastroparesis are diabetes and stomach surgery (usually with the removal or injury of the vagus nerve); however, the causing factor is unknown in many cases.

Less common causes of gastroparesis include bacterial or viral infections, some drugs (antidepressants, narcotics, calcium channel blockers, lithium, progesterone, etc.), amyloidosis, hypothyroidism, certain autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma, certain nervous system disorders such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease (1, 2, 3, 4).

Smoking and chronic alcohol ingestion may also be risk factors for gastroparesis (5).

Symptoms of gastroparesis may include:

  • Nausea,
  • Vomiting, dehydration
  • Early satiety (feeling full within a few minutes of eating),
  • Postprandial fullness (feeling full long after eating a meal),
  • Bloating,
  • Belching,
  • Epigastric or upper abdominal pain,
  • Weight loss (1, 3, 4).

Liquid Diet

A liquid diet consists of fluids, typically liquid foods, and foods turning to liquid at room temperature (such as ice cream). Depending on the severity of gastroparesis, some people may also consume well-blended pureed and strained foods (3).

A liquid diet may be recommended when the symptoms worsen or don’t alleviate with small and frequent meals.

Foods Allowed In Liquid Diet

A liquid diet for gastroparesis is recommended to be low in fat and dietary fiber as those delay stomach emptying and may worsen the symptoms (3).

  • Beverages: Non-carbonated soda and energy drinks, fruit juices without pulp, tea, coffee, soft drinks, etc.,
  • Milk & milk products: Fat-free or low-fat milk or milk substitutes, milkshakes, smooth ice cream, frozen yogurt, custard, yogurt without fruit, puddings,
  • Soups: Broth, bouillon, consomme, smooth tomato soup, strained cream soups,
  • Vegetables: Low-fiber vegetables (cooked vegetables without skin and seeds, vegetable juice) blended with water, juice, or broth and pureed vegetables,
  • Fruits: Low-fiber fruits (cooked fruits without skin and seeds in small amounts) blended with water and pureed fruits, such as bananas, apples, pears, peaches, etc.
  • Bread & cereals: Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rice, grits, instant quinoa,
  • Meat, eggs & fish: Poultry with the skin removed (chicken, turkey), lean fish, pork, beef, veal, or lamb well-blended and strained (like in baby food),
  • Sweets & desserts: Sherbet, gelatin, popsicles,
  • Mixed dishes: Lasagna, stew, or pasta blended with hot water and strained (6, 7).

Special Considerations

Our page only provides the list of foods allowed in gastroparesis; however, consulting a dietitian and having an individualized diet plan is recommended. The cause and severity of gastroparesis may change the diet plan.

People with diabetes should avoid foods high in carbs from the list above. Our Glycemic index chart and Insulin index chart pages may help in food choices and blood sugar control in diabetic people with gastroparesis. Keeping blood sugar in the normal range may decrease gastroparesis symptoms.

Foods To Avoid In a Liquid Diet

  • Solid foods,
  • Beverages: Fizzy or carbonated drinks; milkshakes and juices high in fiber, alcoholic beverages,
  • Milk & milk products: Whole milk, whipped cream, cheese, regular yogurt,
  • Soups: Soups made with whole milk, cream, or cheese; soups containing solid foods
  • Vegetables & fruits: Blended raw vegetables and fruits that are high in dietary fiber, such as berries, prune, beans, corn, peas, potatoes with skin, leafy greens, cabbage, and broccoli, and also dried fruits
  • Bread & cereals: Oatmeal, whole grain starches, and crackers (6).

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Article author photo Arpi Gasparyan
Специальность: General Medicine at YSMU
Обновлено: Июнь 17, 2023
Проверено Elen Khachatrian
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