Diet analysis & tracking: Free nutrition & calorie tracker
Please logout and log back in or open a saved diet if you don't see the analysis results
Analysis results
Total Calories: 0
Total Cholesterol: 0
Total Saturated Fat: 0
Total Oxalates: 0
Avg. Glycemic Index: 0
Avg. Insulin Index: 0
Nutrient deficiency detected
You have problems with some vitamins, they are missing. Look at list below
Recommendation to solve the issue
No nutrient deficiency detected
Overconsumption problems
No Overconsumption problems
Less than 10 percent of calories per day from saturated fats
Your diet contains {satFatPercent} percent of calories from saturated fats
The average glycemic index of your diet is {averageGi}
Please be aware that consuming high glycemic diet can lead to diabetes
Foods good for both deficiency and overconsumption issues
Vitamins coverage chart
All the empty space indicates that you have had less vitamins than recommended
Minerals coverage chart
All the empty space indicates that you have had less minerals than recommended
Basic nutrients coverage chart
All the empty space indicates that you have had less basic nutrients than recommended
Amino acids coverage chart
All the empty space indicates that you have had less amino acids than recommended
If you use Daily Values (DV) as the base for calculations, please note that daily values are presented for a 2000-calorie diet. Please also note that Daily Values and Upper Intakes are the results of different studies.
Therefore, some contradictions may appear if the Daily Value (DV) is selected as the lower bound but UL (Upper Intake) is selected as the upper bound. In order to avoid these contradictions, some of the values are adjusted by FoodStruct's administration.
Pay attention that even some famous diets created by authority institutions may have problems with one or more nutrients.
One of those examples, a plan created by NHLBI(National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute), is presented in our presents above.
It's important to understand that most diets are defined weekly or even monthly and that a one-day diet is not enough to evaluate the whole plan. More approximations are used here.
The primary source of information is the
FDA Food Central (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Data provided by should be considered and used as information only. Please consult your physician before beginning any diet.