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Beer Glycemic Index (GI), Glycemic Load (GL), and Insulin Index (II)

Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan Victoria Mazmanyan | Обновлено: Август 23, 2024
Проверено Elen Khachatrian Article author photo Elen Khachatrian

Glycemic Index of Beer

The International Tables of Glycemic Index Values study has calculated the mean GI of two different beers to be 104 (1). This makes the glycemic index of beer very high, despite its low carbohydrate content.

Research has found that alcohol speeds up the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, causing beer's high glycemic index (2).

However, beer's glycemic index values can significantly differ depending on the variety. Beer with a 4.5% alcohol value from Finland had a GI value of 119, while beer with 4.4% alcohol from the Czech Republic had a GI of 89.

Beer from Australia was found to have a GI of 66±7.

Another study showed that the GI of beer with 4.9% alcohol volume from Australia was also 66 (3).

To find more glycemic index values for over 350 foods, you can visit our Glycemic index chart page.

Glycemic Load of Beer

Despite the high glycemic index, beer tends to have a lower glycemic load.

The previously mentioned study shows us that beer's mean glycemic load is 11 per serving size, providing 10g of available carbohydrates (1). The serving size would approximately be one 0.33l or 12oz can.

The second study found that beer's glycemic load is 20 per 671g serving (3), which is roughly two 0.33l or 12oz cans.

A glycemic load value of 11 to 19 is considered medium, while values of 20 or above are considered high.

Insulin Index of Beer

Multiple studies have shown that alcohol weakens insulin sensitivity due to delayed emptying of the stomach (2).

The insulin index of beer has been measured to be 20 (4). This can be considered a low insulin index value.

To learn more about the insulin index and find values for over 140 other foods, visit our Insulin index chart page.

Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan
Специальность: General Medicine at YSMU
Обновлено: Август 23, 2024
Проверено Elen Khachatrian
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