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Broccoli Glycemic Index (GI), Glycemic Load (GL), and Insulin Index (II)

Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan Victoria Mazmanyan | Обновлено: Август 23, 2024
Проверено Elen Khachatrian Article author photo Elen Khachatrian

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Broccoli has a low carbohydrate content: 6.64g of carbohydrates per 100g, of which 2.6g is dietary fiber.

However, due to low carbohydrate content, exact numbers for the glycemic index and load of broccoli have not yet been calculated.

A 100g serving of broccoli contains only 6.6g of carbohydrates. For this reason, the glycemic index and glycemic load of broccoli are assumed to fall in the low category.

Research has shown that adding one and a half servings of broccoli (250g) to a rice meal can limit glycemic response after a meal (1).

Another study has found that broccoli sprouts can be an excellent choice for supplementary treatment in type 2 diabetes due to a high content of beneficial phytochemicals such as sulforaphane. Sulforaphane consumption can increase antioxidant capacity and decrease insulin resistance and triglyceride levels (2).

For a complete list of glycemic index values for more than 350 foods, please visit our Glycemic Index Chart page.

Insulin Index

The insulin index can be used to quantify the body’s glycemic response to foods with low carbohydrate content.

Broccoli has been calculated to have an insulin index of 29 (3). This can be considered a low insulin index.

Broccoli sprouts contain high amounts of glucosinolates, such as glucoraphanin. Studies indicate that these compounds, when consumed in the form of a powder or extract, can enhance insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

You can learn more about the insulin index and find II values for over 140 foods on our Insulin index chart page.

Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan
Специальность: General Medicine at YSMU
Обновлено: Август 23, 2024
Проверено Elen Khachatrian
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