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Cheese vs. Butter — Health Impact and Nutrition Comparison

Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan by Victoria Mazmanyan | Last updated on June 28, 2023
Medically reviewed by Jack Yacoubian Article author photo Jack  Yacoubian


Cheddar cheese is the curdled protein of milk, while butter is the separated fat. Cheddar cheese is higher in protein and carbohydrates, and butter contains more calories and fat.

Cheese is richer in all B complex vitamins, vitamin D, and all minerals, whereas butter is higher in fat-soluble vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, and choline. Butter also contains less sodium.

Cheese may be the better choice for cardiovascular health, but both of these foods have been studied to have positive effects on type 2 diabetes.

Overall, whichever you choose, both cheese and butter, consumed in moderation, can be a part of a healthy diet.


Cheddar cheese and butter are two of the most commonly consumed dairy products. Both are made from the milk of various mammals and are used mostly as ingredients in dishes.

In this article, we will look into what other similarities these two foods share and what sets them apart by comparing their nutritional profiles and how they affect our health.


Turning milk into cheese starts with adding bacteria to the milk, which turns the sugar lactose into lactic acid. This acidifies the milk, which slowly starts to change its state from liquid to solid. Later, an enzyme called rennet is added to speed up this process by curdling the protein called casein. During this time, the milk forms into two matters, curd, and whey. Curd, the solid part, is kept, while whey, the liquid part, is removed. Later on, salt is added for flavor and preservation. After this, all that’s left is to give the cheese its familiar shape and let it age to the desired level of ripeness.

While cheese is made by curdling milk’s protein, butter is made by separating milk from the cream, consisting primarily of fats. The cream can be aged, after which it is churned or shaken to the point that it separates into butter granules and buttermilk. After draining and washing the butter granules, salt and other flavorings can be added, forming it into the final product.

Taste and Use

Butter and cheese have distinct tastes and textures, even though, depending on the type, both of these aspects can change considerably. Cheese usually has a stronger texture, a saltier taste, and a much higher melting point compared to butter.

Both of these foods can be used in the kitchen in a variety of ways, in savory dishes and pastries.


Almost every step of the complicated cheesemaking process can be altered to achieve different cheeses. However, the main difference between types of cheese depends on the kind of milk used to make the cheese. Milk, used in cheesemaking, can come from cows, sheep, goats, and buffalo, as well as other, less commonly used mammals, such as camels or even horses and yaks. Other factors like the aging period, fat content, texture, and added ingredients also determine the type of cheese.

Butter can be made from various types of milk as well. A change in the steps of the process results in a different kind of butter, such as cultured butter, if it is made from fermented milk, salted or unsalted butter; grass-fed butter, if it is made from the milk of grass-fed cows and many others.


Naturally, based on the type of cheese and butter, the nutritional composition changes. For this article, we are using the nutrition for cheddar cheese and salted butter.

Macronutrients and Calories

Butter is denser, containing only 18% water, whereas cheese consists of 37% water.

One average serving size of cheese is considered to be one slice that weighs 28g. The serving size of butter is almost half of that, one tablespoon that contains 14.2 grams of butter.


Both are very high-calorie foods; however, butter, consisting mainly of fats, is much higher. It contains 717 calories per 100g serving. The same amount of cheese has 404 calories.

Protein and Fats

As mentioned previously, cheese is the curdled protein of milk, whereas butter is the fat separated from milk. Naturally, cheese is much higher in protein, and butter is a lot richer in fats.

Cheese is a perfect source of all essential amino acids and is particularly high in tryptophan, threonine, and isoleucine. In contrast, butter contains very little protein, less than one gram in a 100g serving.

Butter contains almost three times more fat than cheese. However, when it comes to the breakdown of the fat content, they are quite similar. The dominant fats in both foods are saturated fats. Next in line, based on percentage, are the monounsaturated fatty acids, leaving polyunsaturated fatty acids in last place.


Cheese contains 3g of carbohydrates in a hundred-gram serving. These carbs are all sugars, consisting of glucose, lactose, and galactose.

Butter, on the other hand, contains a negligible amount of carbohydrates.

Both foods do not contain fiber.


Cheese contains more of all B complex vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamins B3, B5, and B6, the folate form of vitamin B9 and vitamin B12. Cheese also contains vitamin D, whereas butter is absent in it.

Both are rich in vitamin A; however, butter contains double the amount. Butter is richer in vitamin E and vitamin K as well.

Both cheese and butter completely lack vitamin C.

Vitamin Comparison

Vitamin comparison score is based on the number of vitamins by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" charts below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food.
Vitamin C Vit. C Vitamin A Vit. A Vitamin E Vit. E Vitamin D Vit. D Vitamin B1 Vit. B1 Vitamin B2 Vit. B2 Vitamin B3 Vit. B3 Vitamin B5 Vit. B5 Vitamin B6 Vit. B6 Vitamin B12 Vit. B12 Vitamin K Vit. K Folate Folate Choline Choline 0% 110% 14% 9% 7.3% 99% 1.1% 25% 15% 138% 6% 20% 9%
Vitamin C Vit. C Vitamin A Vit. A Vitamin E Vit. E Vitamin D Vit. D Vitamin B1 Vit. B1 Vitamin B2 Vit. B2 Vitamin B3 Vit. B3 Vitamin B5 Vit. B5 Vitamin B6 Vit. B6 Vitamin B12 Vit. B12 Vitamin K Vit. K Folate Folate Choline Choline 0% 228% 46% 0% 1.3% 7.8% 0.79% 6.6% 0.69% 21% 18% 2.3% 10%
Contains more Vitamin DVitamin D +∞%
Contains more Vitamin B1Vitamin B1 +480%
Contains more Vitamin B2Vitamin B2 +1158.8%
Contains more Vitamin B3Vitamin B3 +40.5%
Contains more Vitamin B5Vitamin B5 +272.7%
Contains more Vitamin B6Vitamin B6 +2100%
Contains more Vitamin B12Vitamin B12 +547.1%
Contains more FolateFolate +800%
Contains more Vitamin AVitamin A +107.3%
Contains more Vitamin EVitamin E +226.8%
Contains more Vitamin KVitamin K +191.7%
Contains more CholineCholine +13.9%
~equal in Vitamin C ~0mg


Cheese is an excellent source of most minerals, being richer in all of them, compared to butter. Cheese contains higher levels of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, selenium, and manganese.

Butter is richer in choline and much lower in sodium.

Mineral Comparison

Mineral comparison score is based on the number of minerals by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" charts below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food.
Magnesium Magnesium Calcium Calcium Potassium Potassium Iron Iron Copper Copper Zinc Zinc Phosphorus Phosphorus Sodium Sodium Manganese Manganese Selenium Selenium 19% 213% 6.7% 5.3% 10% 99% 195% 85% 3.5% 155%
Magnesium Magnesium Calcium Calcium Potassium Potassium Iron Iron Copper Copper Zinc Zinc Phosphorus Phosphorus Sodium Sodium Manganese Manganese Selenium Selenium 1.4% 7.2% 2.1% 0.75% 5.3% 2.5% 10% 1.4% 0.52% 5.5%
Contains more MagnesiumMagnesium +1250%
Contains more CalciumCalcium +2858.3%
Contains more PotassiumPotassium +216.7%
Contains more IronIron +600%
Contains more CopperCopper +87.5%
Contains more ZincZinc +3944.4%
Contains more PhosphorusPhosphorus +1795.8%
Contains more ManganeseManganese +575%
Contains more SeleniumSelenium +2750%
Contains less SodiumSodium -98.3%

Glycemic Index

Cheese and butter contain so few carbohydrates that coming up with an exact number for a glycemic index is challenging (1). Both have low glycemic indices.

Adding cheddar cheese to a high glycemic index food, such as potato, pasta, and toast, has been shown to reduce the meal’s glycemic index (2).

A similar study has been carried out with butter, showing that the glycemic response of bread can be lowered using fat, such as butter (3).


The acidity of cheese can vary depending on its processing method and type. Milk usually has a pH value of 6.5 to 6.7. In the process of cheesemaking, it gets acidified and coagulated. The pH of different types of cheese can range from 4.4 to 6.8, making them all acidic (4). The pH values of a few popular types of cheese are gouda - 5.8, cheddar - 5.5, mozzarella - 5.3, feta - 4.4 (5).

Butter is also acidic, with a pH value ranging from 6.1 to 6.4 (6).

The potential renal acid load (PRAL) is another useful value for measuring acidity levels. It shows the capacity of the food to produce acid or base inside the organism.

The PRAL for cheese has been calculated to be 16.5, whereas butter has a PRAL value of 0.4. The higher this number, the more acid the food produces.

Weight Loss

Both cheese and butter are very high in calories, but butter contains significantly more calories due to its high fat content.

For a long time, high-calorie and high-fat foods have been associated with weight gain. 

The bottom line is how many calories you consume compared to how much you burn. Calories in vs. calories out.

Some studies have suggested that cheese consumption is inversely associated with weight gain (7, 8), and it might have a beneficial suppressive effect on abdominal fat accumulation (9).

Despite the common belief that dairy fat is inherently bad for your health, one study has found that high-fat dairy, such as butter, may have an inverse association with obesity risk (10).

Cheese is the right choice between the two on a low-fat diet, whereas butter is the relative winner if you’re on a low-carb diet.

The most important aspect of weight loss is a balanced diet. There is no necessity to completely cut out butter or cheese from a weight loss diet, as long as you use it in moderation.

Health Impact

We already talked about the effects of cheese and butter on weight gain. Now, we will focus on other aspects of health.

Health Benefits

Cardiovascular Health

A moderate association has been found between cheese consumption and lower blood pressure (11, 12). Other studies do not find a correlation between cheese intake and blood pressure (13). Nevertheless, people with hypertension have to be aware of the high sodium levels in some cheeses, especially processed and salted cheese.

Similar beneficial associations have also been found between an improvement of blood pressure and butter intake (14). Conversely, some studies find a diet rich in saturated fat to be a significant risk factor for high blood pressure (15).

When comparing regular-fat or reduced-fat cheese and their effects on cardiovascular health, research has not found a significant difference between the two (16).

The adverse effects of trans fatty acids from vegetable oils have been well substantiated. However, trans fats from ruminant sources, which can be found in butter, may not significantly affect blood plasma lipid levels, although they may reduce high-density lipoproteins levels (17).

The consumption of butter has been observed to have increased total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels more significantly when compared to cheese (18).

Overall, the negative associations between butter consumption and cardiovascular health have weakened over the years. While butter does raise blood plasma levels to undesirable levels, scientists have not found strong correlations between butter intake and all-cause mortality (18).

Butter contains stearic acid and myristic acid. Stearic acid has antiatherogenic effects, and myristic acid has pro-atherogenic effects. thus, a perfect balance and consumption in moderation are key (28)(29). 


Multiple studies have shown a positive association between milk and dairy consumption and a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes (18)

Cheese, being high in both protein and fat, has been shown to increase insulin secretion and significantly reduce the glycemic response when consumed prior to high-carbohydrate meals (19).

Saturated fatty acids do not have one definite effect on patients with type 2 diabetes (20). Foods rich in saturated fatty acids, such as butter, have to be viewed separately in order to see distinctive effects. Adding butter to a high-carbohydrate meal may also help reduce the glycemic response (3).

A meta-analysis of butter’s effect on diabetes has found small or neutral associations between the two (21).

Another meta-analysis suggests a significant inverse association between cheese intake and type 2 diabetes (22).


Fermented dairy food intake, such as cheese, has been found to decrease bladder cancer, esophageal cancer, and colorectal cancer risk (23). However, another study did not find a protective association between solid cheese consumption and colorectal cancer (24).

Downsides and Risks

Unfortunately, like most things, cheese and butter come with their downsides as well.

Cardiovascular Health

While butter is not the villain it has been made out to be for some time, it still increases total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels in the blood (25). This can pose a risk for hypercholesteremic people with cardiovascular issues.

Neurological Health

High cheese consumption has been associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease, potentially due to the effect of cheese on oxidation levels in the brain (26)


Overall, most studies show non-significant associations between cheese and butter intake and cancers. However, a meta-analysis shows that cheese consumption may increase the risk of prostate and breast cancers, while butter consumption may lead to a higher risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (27).

Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan
Education: General Medicine at YSMU
Last updated: June 28, 2023
Medically reviewed by Jack Yacoubian


Cheese vs Butter infographic
Infographic link

Macronutrient Comparison

Macronutrient breakdown side-by-side comparison
23% 33% 3% 37% 4%
Protein: 22.87 g
Fats: 33.31 g
Carbs: 3.09 g
Water: 37.02 g
Other: 3.71 g
81% 18%
Protein: 0.85 g
Fats: 81.11 g
Carbs: 0.06 g
Water: 17.94 g
Other: 0.04 g
Contains more ProteinProtein +2590.6%
Contains more CarbsCarbs +5050%
Contains more WaterWater +106.4%
Contains more OtherOther +9175%
Contains more FatsFats +143.5%

Fat Type Comparison

Fat type breakdown side-by-side comparison
64% 31% 5%
Saturated fat: Sat. Fat 18.867 g
Monounsaturated fat: Mono. Fat 9.246 g
Polyunsaturated fat: Poly. Fat 1.421 g
66% 30% 4%
Saturated fat: Sat. Fat 50.489 g
Monounsaturated fat: Mono. Fat 23.43 g
Polyunsaturated fat: Poly. Fat 3.01 g
Contains less Sat. FatSaturated fat -62.6%
Contains more Mono. FatMonounsaturated fat +153.4%
Contains more Poly. FatPolyunsaturated fat +111.8%

Comparison summary table

Pay attention to the rightmost column. It displays the amounts side by side, giving a clearer understanding of the difference.
Cheese Butter
Lower in Cholesterol ok
Lower in Saturated fat ok
Rich in minerals ok
Rich in vitamins ok
Lower in Sugar ok
Lower in Sodium ok
Lower in price ok
Lower in Glycemic Index Equal

All nutrients comparison - raw data values

Nutrient Cheese Butter DV% diff.
Saturated fat 18.867g 50.489g 144%
Fats 33.31g 81.11g 74%
Calcium 710mg 24mg 69%
Phosphorus 455mg 24mg 62%
Selenium 28.5µg 1µg 50%
Protein 22.87g 0.85g 44%
Vitamin B12 1.1µg 0.17µg 39%
Vitamin A 330µg 684µg 39%
Cholesterol 99mg 215mg 39%
Monounsaturated fat 9.246g 23.43g 35%
Zinc 3.64mg 0.09mg 32%
Vitamin B2 0.428mg 0.034mg 30%
Sodium 653mg 11mg 28%
Calories 404kcal 717kcal 16%
Vitamin E 0.71mg 2.32mg 11%
Polyunsaturated fat 1.421g 3.01g 11%
Folate 27µg 3µg 6%
Vitamin B5 0.41mg 0.11mg 6%
Magnesium 27mg 2mg 6%
Vitamin B6 0.066mg 0.003mg 5%
Vitamin K 2.4µg 7µg 4%
Vitamin D 0.6µg 0µg 3%
Vitamin D 24IU 0IU 3%
Copper 0.03mg 0.016mg 2%
Vitamin B1 0.029mg 0.005mg 2%
Iron 0.14mg 0.02mg 2%
Potassium 76mg 24mg 2%
Manganese 0.027mg 0.004mg 1%
Carbs 3.09g 0.06g 1%
Net carbs 3.09g 0.06g N/A
Sugar 0.48g 0.06g N/A
Vitamin B3 0.059mg 0.042mg 0%
Trans fat 0.917g N/A
Choline 16.5mg 18.8mg 0%
Tryptophan 0.547mg 0.012mg 0%
Threonine 1.044mg 0.038mg 0%
Isoleucine 1.206mg 0.051mg 0%
Leucine 1.939mg 0.083mg 0%
Lysine 1.025mg 0.067mg 0%
Methionine 0.547mg 0.021mg 0%
Phenylalanine 1.074mg 0.041mg 0%
Valine 1.404mg 0.057mg 0%
Histidine 0.547mg 0.023mg 0%
Omega-3 - EPA 0.01g 0g N/A
Omega-3 - DHA 0.001g 0g N/A
Omega-3 - ALA 0.315g N/A
Omega-3 - DPA 0.017g 0g N/A
Omega-6 - Eicosadienoic acid 0.007g N/A
Omega-6 - Linoleic acid 2.166g N/A

Which food is preferable for your diet?

is better in case of low diet
Cheese Butter
Low Calories diet ok
Low Fats diet ok
Low Carbs diet ok
Low Glycemic Index diet Equal

People also compare

Vitamins & Minerals Daily Need Coverage Score

The summary scores indicate the extent to which this food can fulfill your daily vitamin and mineral requirements if you consume 3 servings, consisting of 100 grams of each (an approximation of 3 serving sizes).
Vitamins Daily Need Coverage Score
Minerals Daily Need Coverage Score

Comparison summary

Which food is lower in Cholesterol?
Cheese is lower in Cholesterol (difference - 116mg)
Which food is lower in Saturated fat?
Cheese is lower in Saturated fat (difference - 31.622g)
Which food is richer in minerals?
Cheese is relatively richer in minerals
Which food is richer in vitamins?
Cheese is relatively richer in vitamins
Which food is lower in Sugar?
Butter is lower in Sugar (difference - 0.42g)
Which food contains less Sodium?
Butter contains less Sodium (difference - 642mg)
Which food is cheaper?
Butter is cheaper (difference - $0.4)
Which food is lower in glycemic index?
The foods have equal glycemic indexes (0)


All the values for which the sources are not specified explicitly are taken from FDA’s Food Central. The exact link to the food presented on this page can be found below.

  1. Cheese -
  2. Butter -

All the Daily Values are presented for males aged 31-50, for 2000-calorie diets.

Data provided by should be considered and used as information only. Please consult your physician before beginning any diet.