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Peach vs. Nectarine — Health Impact and Nutrition Comparison

Article author photo Elen Khachatrian by Elen Khachatrian | Last updated on May 03, 2023
Medically reviewed by Arpi Gasparyan Article author photo Arpi Gasparyan


Nectarine provides more Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, iron, phosphorus, and copper. It is also low in sugars. On the other hand, peach contains more Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Vitamin K, and lower saturated fat than nectarine.


We will discuss a comparative analysis of their nutrition features and health impact to find the similarities and differences between peaches and nectarines.

What's The Actual Difference?

Actually, nectarines are a type of peach. They are distinguished by a genetic mutation that results in smooth skin instead of the typical fuzzy skin of peaches.

However, peach and nectarine are stone fruits in the Rosaceae family and have a lot in common, including appearance and flavor. Both peach and nectarine have pits that are freestone, clingstone, semi-freestone, and yellow or white flesh. When it comes to differences, nectarines are generally smaller than peaches. They also have firmer flesh and thinner, smoother skin. Peaches have thicker, fuzzy skin and softer flesh than nectarines.

Nectarines and peaches are both sweet, but the yellow variety of these fruits has a slightly more sour taste. In general, nectarines have a more tangy and sweet flavor profile, while peaches have a purely sweet flavor profile, although yellow peaches are more acidic than white peaches.


This article section will compare the nutritional content between nectarine and peach.

Slightly note: nectarine and peach have similar nutritional profiles.

At the bottom of this page, you can find a nutrition infographic, which will help you better understand the differences in the nutrition of these two fruits.


Nectarine contains more Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, and folate than peach.

On the other hand, peach has more Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin K. Peach falls in the range of the top 27% of foods as a source of Vitamin C.

Both nectarine and peach contain no Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 and equal amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B6.

Vitamin Comparison

Vitamin comparison score is based on the number of vitamins by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" charts below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food.
Contains more Vitamin C +22.2%
Contains more Vitamin B2 +14.8%
Contains more Vitamin K +18.2%
Contains more Vitamin B1 +41.7%
Contains more Vitamin B3 +39.6%
Contains more Vitamin B5 +20.9%
Contains more Folate +25%
Equal in Vitamin A - 332
Equal in Vitamin E - 0.77
Equal in Vitamin B6 - 0.025
Equal in Choline - 6.2
Vitamin A Vitamin E Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Choline Vitamin K 20% 15% 0% 22% 6% 8% 16% 10% 6% 3% 0% 4% 7%
Vitamin A Vitamin E Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Choline Vitamin K 20% 16% 0% 19% 9% 7% 22% 12% 6% 4% 0% 4% 6%
Contains more Vitamin C +22.2%
Contains more Vitamin B2 +14.8%
Contains more Vitamin K +18.2%
Contains more Vitamin B1 +41.7%
Contains more Vitamin B3 +39.6%
Contains more Vitamin B5 +20.9%
Contains more Folate +25%
Equal in Vitamin A - 332
Equal in Vitamin E - 0.77
Equal in Vitamin B6 - 0.025
Equal in Choline - 6.2


Nectarine is relatively richer in minerals than peach. It provides more iron, phosphorus, and copper.

Both fruits have equal potassium, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, both nectarine and peach have no sodium.

Mineral Comparison

Mineral comparison score is based on the number of minerals by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" charts below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food.
Contains more Manganese +13%
Contains more Selenium +∞%
Contains more Iron +12%
Contains more Phosphorus +30%
Contains more Copper +26.5%
Equal in Calcium - 6
Equal in Magnesium - 9
Equal in Potassium - 201
Equal in Zinc - 0.17
Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc Copper Manganese Selenium 2% 10% 7% 9% 17% 0% 5% 23% 8% 1%
Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc Copper Manganese Selenium 2% 11% 7% 12% 18% 0% 5% 29% 8% 0%
Contains more Manganese +13%
Contains more Selenium +∞%
Contains more Iron +12%
Contains more Phosphorus +30%
Contains more Copper +26.5%
Equal in Calcium - 6
Equal in Magnesium - 9
Equal in Potassium - 201
Equal in Zinc - 0.17

Glycemic Index

The glycemic indexes of peach and nectarine are equal due to their low carb content. Nectarine has a glycemic index equal to 43, and the glycemic index of peach is equal to 42. Both fruits are considered low GI foods.


Both peach and nectarine are considered low-calorie food. Peach has 39 calories per 100 g, and nectarine contains 44 calories per 100 g.


Peaches and nectarine contain a low amount of carbs. Both have almost equal amounts of sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Peache has 9.5g of carbs per 100g, and nectarine has 10g of carbs per 100g.

Peach contains 1.5g of fiber and 8g of net carbs, while nectarine has 1.7g of fiber and 9g of net carbs per 100g.


Both peach and nectarine contain tiny amounts of fats.


Both peach and nectarine have no cholesterol.


Both fruits contain tiny amounts of protein.

Health Impact

Since nectarine and peach have remarkably similar nutrient profiles, their health effects are similar.

Cardiovascular Health

Research suggests that peaches may bind to bile acids, compounds produced by your liver from cholesterol. The bound bile acids are eventually excreted through your feces, which may aid in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels [1].

One study [2] shows that nectarines and peaches can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, risk factors for heart disease. The higher your LDL cholesterol levels, the more likely you will develop atherosclerosis. Furthermore, the chemicals in peaches help lower the levels of the hormone angiotensin II, which is involved in the rise of blood pressure [3].


The four major phenolic groups found in peaches and nectarines are catechins, anthocyanins, chlorogenic acids, and quercetins. These phenolic compounds are anti-inflammatory as well as anti-obesity. A study [4] found that these phenolic bioactive compounds significantly impact obesity-related diabetes. These substances contain phenolic groups and can aid in preventing diabetes progression.

Another study [5] suggests that peach gum extracted from the trunks and fruits may be helpful in the treatment of diabetes, though the molecular mechanisms are unknown.


Caffeic acid and carotenoids, both of which have anti-cancer properties, are abundant in peach skin. Antioxidants found in peaches, such as polyphenols, may inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells [6]. One study [7] claims that peaches can help prevent breast cancer.

Another study [8] found that postmenopausal women who ate at least two peaches or nectarines per day had a 41% lower risk of breast cancer over 24 years.

Skin Health

Copper is abundant in nectarine and peaches. Copper stimulates cell growth in the dermis layer, the second outermost layer of your skin. It also protects your skin from damage and promotes collagen production — your body's most abundant protein [9]. According to test-tube studies [10], compounds found in peaches may improve your skin's ability to retain moisture, improving skin texture.

Healthy Digestion

Section reviewed by gastroenterologist Arpi Gasparyan Article author photo Arpi Gasparyan

Peach flowers may benefit digestion. They are commonly used to treat digestive disorders, such as indigestion, in traditional Chinese medicine. Animal studies have shown compounds found in flowers may effectively increase the strength and frequency of peristalsis, thus showing laxative effects [11, 12].

Article author photo Elen Khachatrian
Education: Nutrition & Microbiology at YSU
Last updated: May 03, 2023
Medically reviewed by Arpi Gasparyan


Peach vs Nectarine infographic
Infographic link

Macronutrient Comparison

Macronutrient breakdown side-by-side comparison
Contains more Protein +16.5%
Contains more Fats +28%
Contains more Carbs +10.6%
Contains more Other +11.6%
Equal in Water - 87.59
10% 89%
Protein: 0.91 g
Fats: 0.25 g
Carbs: 9.54 g
Water: 88.87 g
Other: 0.43 g
11% 88%
Protein: 1.06 g
Fats: 0.32 g
Carbs: 10.55 g
Water: 87.59 g
Other: 0.48 g
Contains more Protein +16.5%
Contains more Fats +28%
Contains more Carbs +10.6%
Contains more Other +11.6%
Equal in Water - 87.59

Fat Type Comparison

Fat type breakdown side-by-side comparison
Contains less Saturated Fat -24%
Contains more Monounsaturated Fat +31.3%
Contains more Polyunsaturated fat +31.4%
11% 39% 50%
Saturated Fat: 0.019 g
Monounsaturated Fat: 0.067 g
Polyunsaturated fat: 0.086 g
11% 39% 50%
Saturated Fat: 0.025 g
Monounsaturated Fat: 0.088 g
Polyunsaturated fat: 0.113 g
Contains less Saturated Fat -24%
Contains more Monounsaturated Fat +31.3%
Contains more Polyunsaturated fat +31.4%

Carbohydrate type comparison

Carbohydrate type breakdown side-by-side comparison
Contains more Glucose +24.2%
Contains more Fructose +11.7%
Contains more Maltose +∞%
Contains more Galactose +∞%
Contains more Starch +∞%
Equal in Sucrose - 4.87
57% 23% 18%
Starch: 0 g
Sucrose: 4.76 g
Glucose: 1.95 g
Fructose: 1.53 g
Lactose: 0 g
Maltose: 0.08 g
Galactose: 0.06 g
62% 20% 17%
Starch: 0.07 g
Sucrose: 4.87 g
Glucose: 1.57 g
Fructose: 1.37 g
Lactose: 0 g
Maltose: 0 g
Galactose: 0 g
Contains more Glucose +24.2%
Contains more Fructose +11.7%
Contains more Maltose +∞%
Contains more Galactose +∞%
Contains more Starch +∞%
Equal in Sucrose - 4.87

Comparison summary table

Pay attention to the rightmost column. It displays the amounts side by side, giving a clearer understanding of the difference.
Peach Nectarine
Lower in Saturated Fat ok
Lower in Glycemic Index ok
Lower in price ok
Lower in Sugar ok
Rich in vitamins ok
Lower in Sodium Equal
Lower in Cholesterol Equal
Rich in minerals Equal

All nutrients comparison - raw data values

Nutrient Peach Nectarine Opinion
Net carbs 8.04g 8.85g Nectarine
Protein 0.91g 1.06g Nectarine
Fats 0.25g 0.32g Nectarine
Carbs 9.54g 10.55g Nectarine
Calories 39kcal 44kcal Nectarine
Starch 0g 0.07g Nectarine
Fructose 1.53g 1.37g Peach
Sugar 8.39g 7.89g Nectarine
Fiber 1.5g 1.7g Nectarine
Calcium 6mg 6mg
Iron 0.25mg 0.28mg Nectarine
Magnesium 9mg 9mg
Phosphorus 20mg 26mg Nectarine
Potassium 190mg 201mg Nectarine
Zinc 0.17mg 0.17mg
Copper 0.068mg 0.086mg Nectarine
Manganese 0.061mg 0.054mg Peach
Selenium 0.1µg 0µg Peach
Vitamin A 326IU 332IU Nectarine
Vitamin A RAE 16µg 17µg Nectarine
Vitamin E 0.73mg 0.77mg Nectarine
Vitamin C 6.6mg 5.4mg Peach
Vitamin B1 0.024mg 0.034mg Nectarine
Vitamin B2 0.031mg 0.027mg Peach
Vitamin B3 0.806mg 1.125mg Nectarine
Vitamin B5 0.153mg 0.185mg Nectarine
Vitamin B6 0.025mg 0.025mg
Folate 4µg 5µg Nectarine
Choline 6.1mg 6.2mg Nectarine
Vitamin K 2.6µg 2.2µg Peach
Tryptophan 0.01mg 0.005mg Peach
Threonine 0.016mg 0.009mg Peach
Isoleucine 0.017mg 0.009mg Peach
Leucine 0.027mg 0.014mg Peach
Lysine 0.03mg 0.016mg Peach
Methionine 0.01mg 0.006mg Peach
Phenylalanine 0.019mg 0.021mg Nectarine
Valine 0.022mg 0.013mg Peach
Histidine 0.013mg 0.008mg Peach
Saturated Fat 0.019g 0.025g Peach
Monounsaturated Fat 0.067g 0.088g Nectarine
Polyunsaturated fat 0.086g 0.113g Nectarine

Which food is preferable for your diet?

is better in case of low diet
Peach Nectarine
Low Fats diet ok
Low Carbs diet ok
Low Calories diet ok
Low Glycemic Index diet ok

People also compare

Vitamins & Minerals Daily Need Coverage Score

The summary scores indicate the extent to which this food can fulfill your daily vitamin and mineral requirements if you consume 3 servings, consisting of 100 grams of each (an approximation of 3 serving sizes).
Vitamins Daily Need Coverage Score
Minerals Daily Need Coverage Score

Comparison summary

Which food is lower in Saturated Fat?
Peach is lower in Saturated Fat (difference - 0.006g)
Which food is lower in glycemic index?
Peach is lower in glycemic index (difference - 1)
Which food is cheaper?
Peach is cheaper (difference - $0.2)
Which food is lower in Sugar?
Nectarine is lower in Sugar (difference - 0.5g)
Which food is richer in vitamins?
Nectarine is relatively richer in vitamins
Which food contains less Sodium?
The foods are relatively equal in Sodium (0 mg)
Which food contains less Cholesterol?
The foods are relatively equal in Cholesterol (0 mg)
Which food is richer in minerals?
It cannot be stated which food is richer in vitamins. See the charts below for detailed information. See the charts below for detailed information. See the charts below for detailed information.


All the values for which the sources are not specified explicitly are taken from FDA’s Food Central. The exact link to the food presented on this page can be found below.

  1. Peach -
  2. Nectarine -

All the Daily Values are presented for males aged 31-50, for 2000-calorie diets.

Data provided by should be considered and used as information only. Please consult your physician before beginning any diet.