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Apple vs. Banana Nutrition Facts - Sugars, Fiber, Calories & More

Article author photo Jack  Yacoubian by Jack Yacoubian | Last updated on November 14, 2024
Medically reviewed by Ani Harutyunyan Article author photo Ani Harutyunyan


Apples have a lower glycemic index and are lower in calories, carbohydrates, total sugars, and richer in vitamin K. On the other hand, bananas are richer in potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamins C, B6, A, and folate. They have similar amounts of dietary fiber.


In this article, we will be comparing the nutritional content of raw apples and raw bananas, the vitamin and mineral content, health impacts, and the variety of uses.

Apples originated in central Asia, and from there, it has spread throughout the whole world. There are 7500 types of apples, and different apples are cultivated for different purposes. Apples can be used for cooking, consuming raw, making compote, apple cider vinegar, and the apple cider alcoholic beverage. The most famous type of apple is the "red delicious," which is full-flavored and sweet. It is usually consumed as a fruit. The "granny smith" apple has a tart taste with various usages, such as making cider, but it can also be eaten as a fruit.

Bananas, on the other hand, are considered one of the most harvested fruits worldwide.

Indigenous to India and Southeast Asia, however, nowadays, it is cultivated all over the world. Compared to apples, it has a shorter shelf life, approximately 5 days, and after that, it will start to overripe.

Bananas can be used in various ways; they can be consumed raw, made into smoothies, and even used as an ingredient for baking.

Bananas that are cultivated today are different from wild-type bananas. Wild bananas were much smaller in size and contained seeds in them. In the early centuries, wild-type bananas were modified and made into current-day domesticated bananas.

Which is better for you: apple or banana? 

This is a debatable question. Although bananas have a richer nutrient profile, both apples and bananas are highly nutritious fruits with a lot of health benefits. Hence, it is hard to distinguish which one is healthier. Please explore the next sections of the article to make a decision about the winner of this debate. 


This article compared 100g servings of raw apples with skin and raw bananas. Consider that serving sizes for each fruit differ: one medium-sized banana weighs 118g, and the same size of an apple equals 182g. 


Apples have 52 calories per 100g, and bananas have 89 calories per 100g. Both can be considered low-calorie foods.

Glycemic index

Apples and bananas are considered low glycemic index foods. The glycemic index of apples is 38, and for bananas, the glycemic index is 51, thus making the glycemic index of apples lower than that of bananas. Check the GI chart to find glycemic index values for more foods. 


The chart below shows that apples are notably higher in water, containing 86% of water per 100g, while the same amount of bananas has 75% of water. Besides, bananas are significantly richer in carb content. Let's have a closer look at this difference.

Macronutrient Comparison

Macronutrient breakdown side-by-side comparison
23% 75%
Protein: 1.09 g
Fats: 0.33 g
Carbs: 22.84 g
Water: 74.91 g
Other: 0.83 g
14% 86%
Protein: 0.26 g
Fats: 0.17 g
Carbs: 13.81 g
Water: 85.56 g
Other: 0.2 g
Contains more ProteinProtein +319.2%
Contains more FatsFats +94.1%
Contains more CarbsCarbs +65.4%
Contains more OtherOther +315%
Contains more WaterWater +14.2%


Apples contain 13.81g of carbohydrates, distributed among sugars, carbohydrate vitamins, and dietary fibers. On the other hand, bananas contain 23g of carbohydrates distributed among sugars, dietary fibers, and vitamins. However, an interesting aspect is a direct correlation between the ripening of the banana and the amounts of sugar and dietary fiber it contains. Unripe bananas, similar to ripe, contain 23g of carbohydrates, but dietary fiber and sugars are different. In unripe bananas, carbohydrates, also known as resistant starch, are resistant to absorption, thus acting as dietary fibers. On the other hand, ripe bananas have transformed this starch into sugars, increasing sugar in ripe bananas.

Dietary fiber

Apples and bananas have similar amounts of dietary fiber. For apples, the fiber content is 2.4g, while bananas have 2.6 grams of fiber. However, as previously mentioned, the fiber distribution in bananas contains different amounts of dietary fiber as the ripening level differs.

Sugar content

Apples have lower sugar amounts than bananas, as apples contain 10.4 g of sugar, whereas bananas contain 12.2g of sugar. As previously mentioned, as the ripening of the banana progresses, the number of sugar increases. Bananas are two times richer in glucose, while apples are higher in fructose

Carbohydrate type comparison

Carbohydrate type breakdown side-by-side comparison
31% 14% 28% 28%
Starch: 5.38 g
Sucrose: 2.39 g
Glucose: 4.98 g
Fructose: 4.85 g
Lactose: 0 g
Maltose: 0.01 g
Galactose: 0 g
20% 23% 56%
Starch: 0.05 g
Sucrose: 2.07 g
Glucose: 2.43 g
Fructose: 5.9 g
Lactose: 0 g
Maltose: 0 g
Galactose: 0 g
Contains more StarchStarch +10660%
Contains more SucroseSucrose +15.5%
Contains more GlucoseGlucose +104.9%
Contains more MaltoseMaltose +∞%
Contains more FructoseFructose +21.6%
~equal in Lactose ~0g
~equal in Galactose ~0g


Bananas have higher proteins than apples since bananas contain 1.09g of proteins and apples contain 0.26g. These amounts are negligible relative to the daily recommended value, which is 56g on average for a sedentary person.


The content of fat for both fruits is negligible.


The main vitamin composition of bananas per 100g is as follows:

  • Vitamin C: 8.7mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.367mg
  • Vitamin A: 64IU
  • Folate: 20mcg

The main vitamin composition of apples per 100g is as follows:

  • Vitamin C: 4.6mg
  • Vitamin K: 2.2mcg
  • Vitamin A: 54IU

As observed above, bananas contain higher amounts of vitamins C and A, which are common among them. Additionally, bananas contain vitamin B6 and folate. On the other hand, apples are richer in vitamin K.

Vitamin Comparison

Vitamin comparison score is based on the number of vitamins by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" charts below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food.
Vitamin C Vit. C Vitamin A Vit. A Vitamin E Vit. E Vitamin D Vit. D Vitamin B1 Vit. B1 Vitamin B2 Vit. B2 Vitamin B3 Vit. B3 Vitamin B5 Vit. B5 Vitamin B6 Vit. B6 Vitamin B12 Vit. B12 Vitamin K Vit. K Folate Folate Choline Choline 29% 1% 2% 0% 7.8% 17% 12% 20% 85% 0% 1.3% 15% 5.3%
Vitamin C Vit. C Vitamin A Vit. A Vitamin E Vit. E Vitamin D Vit. D Vitamin B1 Vit. B1 Vitamin B2 Vit. B2 Vitamin B3 Vit. B3 Vitamin B5 Vit. B5 Vitamin B6 Vit. B6 Vitamin B12 Vit. B12 Vitamin K Vit. K Folate Folate Choline Choline 15% 1% 3.6% 0% 4.3% 6% 1.7% 3.7% 9.5% 0% 5.5% 2.3% 1.9%
Contains more Vitamin CVitamin C +89.1%
Contains more Vitamin B1Vitamin B1 +82.4%
Contains more Vitamin B2Vitamin B2 +180.8%
Contains more Vitamin B3Vitamin B3 +630.8%
Contains more Vitamin B5Vitamin B5 +447.5%
Contains more Vitamin B6Vitamin B6 +795.1%
Contains more FolateFolate +566.7%
Contains more CholineCholine +188.2%
Contains more Vitamin EVitamin E +80%
Contains more Vitamin KVitamin K +340%
~equal in Vitamin A ~3µg
~equal in Vitamin D ~0µg
~equal in Vitamin B12 ~0µg


Apples don't have a remarkable mineral profile. All the minerals present in it are at trace levels.

On the other hand, bananas are rich in potassium, magnesium, and manganese.

Mineral Comparison

Mineral comparison score is based on the number of minerals by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" charts below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food.
Magnesium Magnesium Calcium Calcium Potassium Potassium Iron Iron Copper Copper Zinc Zinc Phosphorus Phosphorus Sodium Sodium Manganese Manganese Selenium Selenium 19% 1.5% 32% 9.8% 26% 4.1% 9.4% 0.13% 35% 5.5%
Magnesium Magnesium Calcium Calcium Potassium Potassium Iron Iron Copper Copper Zinc Zinc Phosphorus Phosphorus Sodium Sodium Manganese Manganese Selenium Selenium 3.6% 1.8% 9.4% 4.5% 9% 1.1% 4.7% 0.13% 4.6% 0%
Contains more MagnesiumMagnesium +440%
Contains more PotassiumPotassium +234.6%
Contains more IronIron +116.7%
Contains more CopperCopper +188.9%
Contains more ZincZinc +275%
Contains more PhosphorusPhosphorus +100%
Contains more ManganeseManganese +671.4%
Contains more SeleniumSelenium +∞%
Contains more CalciumCalcium +20%
~equal in Sodium ~1mg


The daily recommended value of potassium is between 3500mg and 4700mg per day. 100g of bananas contain 360mg of potassium on average, making it one of the top foods containing potassium

On the other hand, apples contain 107mg of potassium per 100g. Relative to the daily recommended value, this amount is negligible.

Health Impacts

Apple consumption has been related to lowering the risk of mortality due to cancer. In contrast, bananas are related to lowering mortality rates due to cardiovascular diseases (1)․

Apples have multiple protective roles due to the antioxidants it contains. Those roles are։ (2), (3)

  • Anti-cancer, highly protective against breast, colorectal, and lung cancer (among others).
  • Anti-obesity and anti-diabetic; consumption of apples reduces the risk of developing diabetes and obesity
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Increased cognitive performance in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Increased ventilatory performance in patients diagnosed with asthma and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease.
  • Apple consumption may lower serum cholesterol levels, which is a marker of cardiovascular diseases (9)

Bananas have anti-diabetic properties. An enzyme in the digestive system breaks down big chain sugars into smaller sugar molecules to absorb them. Bananas contain enzymes that prevent this, thus reducing the number of absorbed sugars from the digestive tract, keeping the blood sugar levels in check, and improving digestion (4)․

Lectins are active proteins in bananas that act on cancer cells and suppress cell proliferation (multiplication). This, in turn, reduces cancer propagation and metastasis (5)․

Weight Loss

Apples and bananas are essential parts of a balanced diet. Consumption of these fruits prevents weight gain. However, they have different properties that lead to the weight loss effect.

Apples are considered an essential food during weight loss and diets. This is because apples have a low energy level and are rich in dietary fibers, which helps maintain a negative caloric balance and weight loss. Also, they can be used to prepare different juices if you consider keeping a juice-fasting diet  (3).

A reduction of body weight was observed, mostly in patients with diabetes, while consuming bananas, specifically bananas on the unripe spectrum of bananas. This is primarily due to feeling full-on resistant to starch (6).

Drug Interaction

It is recommended to reduce the consumption of apples, mostly apple juice, while taking anticoagulant drugs, specifical warfarin, due to the interaction of warfarin and the flavonoids of apples (7).

In the case of bananas, it is recommended to avoid them while taking MAOI drugs (Generic names of MAOI drugs; Emsam, Marplan, Nardil, Parnate), which are a specific type of antidepressants. The side effect of the interaction of MAOI drugs and bananas can cause hypertensive crises in some patients (8).


Apples are also consumed as apple juice; however, the sugar concentration of apple juice with the cutting down of some dietary fibers does not put apple juice on the same level of health advantages as raw apples. As the peel and pulp of apples are thrown away while making apple juice, most nutritional values are lost due to this processing.

On the other hand, bananas are also consumed as smoothies, usually mixed with various other ingredients that could be as milk, sugar, or other fruits. This causes a change in the macronutrient and micronutrient profiles of bananas.


Apples are highly recommended to be consumed in the morning with breakfast. It offers a balanced nutritional profile that provides dietary fiber.

Bananas are not recommended to be consumed at breakfast since it is usually higher in sugar than apples, as they offer an energy boost initially, but is followed by a crash period after a couple of hours is usually expected.

In some individuals who suffer from acid reflux, consuming a banana on an empty stomach for breakfast usually worsens the reflux symptoms.

Which is better as a pre-workout snack? 

Many people think that both apples and bananas are great options for a pre-workout snack. However, let's consider some nutrition facts to decide which one is better. 

Bananas are higher in net carbs and proteins, making them a better choice as a quick energy source. Besides, they contain more amounts of potassium essential for muscle contraction (10). Apples obviously lose this debate, having fewer amounts of the nutrients mentioned above. Conclusion: bananas are a perfect fit for a pre-workout snack. 

Article author photo Jack  Yacoubian
Education: Haigazian Medical University
Last updated: November 14, 2024
Medically reviewed by Ani Harutyunyan


Banana vs Apple infographic
Infographic link

Fat Type Comparison

Fat type breakdown side-by-side comparison
52% 15% 34%
Saturated fat: Sat. Fat 0.112 g
Monounsaturated fat: Mono. Fat 0.032 g
Polyunsaturated fat: Poly. Fat 0.073 g
33% 8% 59%
Saturated fat: Sat. Fat 0.028 g
Monounsaturated fat: Mono. Fat 0.007 g
Polyunsaturated fat: Poly. Fat 0.051 g
Contains more Mono. FatMonounsaturated fat +357.1%
Contains more Poly. FatPolyunsaturated fat +43.1%
Contains less Sat. FatSaturated fat -75%

Comparison summary table

Pay attention to the rightmost column. It displays the amounts side by side, giving a clearer understanding of the difference.
Banana Apple
Rich in minerals ok
Lower in price ok
Rich in vitamins ok
Lower in Sugar ok
Lower in Saturated fat ok
Lower in Glycemic Index ok
Lower in Cholesterol Equal
Lower in Sodium Equal

All nutrients comparison - raw data values

Nutrient Banana Apple DV% diff.
Vitamin B6 0.367mg 0.041mg 25%
Manganese 0.27mg 0.035mg 10%
Potassium 358mg 107mg 7%
Copper 0.078mg 0.027mg 6%
Magnesium 27mg 5mg 5%
Vitamin C 8.7mg 4.6mg 5%
Vitamin B5 0.334mg 0.061mg 5%
Folate 20µg 3µg 4%
Vitamin B2 0.073mg 0.026mg 4%
Vitamin B3 0.665mg 0.091mg 4%
Carbs 22.84g 13.81g 3%
Calories 89kcal 52kcal 2%
Phosphorus 22mg 11mg 2%
Protein 1.09g 0.26g 2%
Iron 0.26mg 0.12mg 2%
Starch 5.38g 0.05g 2%
Selenium 1µg 0µg 2%
Vitamin K 0.5µg 2.2µg 1%
Choline 9.8mg 3.4mg 1%
Vitamin B1 0.031mg 0.017mg 1%
Vitamin E 0.1mg 0.18mg 1%
Fiber 2.6g 2.4g 1%
Fructose 4.85g 5.9g 1%
Zinc 0.15mg 0.04mg 1%
Fats 0.33g 0.17g 0%
Net carbs 20.24g 11.41g N/A
Calcium 5mg 6mg 0%
Sugar 12.23g 10.39g N/A
Sodium 1mg 1mg 0%
Vitamin A 3µg 3µg 0%
Saturated fat 0.112g 0.028g 0%
Monounsaturated fat 0.032g 0.007g 0%
Polyunsaturated fat 0.073g 0.051g 0%
Tryptophan 0.009mg 0.001mg 0%
Threonine 0.028mg 0.006mg 0%
Isoleucine 0.028mg 0.006mg 0%
Leucine 0.068mg 0.013mg 0%
Lysine 0.05mg 0.012mg 0%
Methionine 0.008mg 0.001mg 0%
Phenylalanine 0.049mg 0.006mg 0%
Valine 0.047mg 0.012mg 0%
Histidine 0.077mg 0.005mg 0%

Which food is preferable for your diet?

is better in case of low diet
Banana Apple
Low Calories diet ok
Low Fats diet ok
Low Carbs diet ok
Low Glycemic Index diet ok

People also compare

Vitamins & Minerals Daily Need Coverage Score

The summary scores indicate the extent to which this food can fulfill your daily vitamin and mineral requirements if you consume 3 servings, consisting of 100 grams of each (an approximation of 3 serving sizes).
Vitamins Daily Need Coverage Score
Minerals Daily Need Coverage Score

Comparison summary

Which food is richer in minerals?
Banana is relatively richer in minerals
Which food is cheaper?
Banana is cheaper (difference - $0.3)
Which food is richer in vitamins?
Banana is relatively richer in vitamins
Which food is lower in Sugar?
Apple is lower in Sugar (difference - 1.84g)
Which food is lower in Saturated fat?
Apple is lower in Saturated fat (difference - 0.084g)
Which food is lower in glycemic index?
Apple is lower in glycemic index (difference - 12)
Which food contains less Cholesterol?
The foods are relatively equal in Cholesterol (0 mg)
Which food contains less Sodium?
The foods are relatively equal in Sodium (1 mg)


All the values for which the sources are not specified explicitly are taken from FDA’s Food Central. The exact link to the food presented on this page can be found below.

  1. Banana -
  2. Apple -

All the Daily Values are presented for males aged 31-50, for 2000-calorie diets.

Data provided by should be considered and used as information only. Please consult your physician before beginning any diet.