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Peanut Nutrition & Calories - Complete Data of All Nutrients

Peanuts, all types, raw
Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan by Victoria Mazmanyan | Last updated on October 06, 2023
Medically reviewed by Arpi Gasparyan Article author photo Arpi Gasparyan


In a few words, peanuts are incredibly rich in nutrients, such as proteins, fats, and fiber, while being low in net carbs. In micronutrient content, peanuts are an excellent source of copper, manganese, iron, vitamin E, and B complex vitamins.

Peanuts are also full of phytochemicals with antioxidant properties and various health-beneficial effects.

Peanuts are high in oxalates, containing 76mg per 100g serving. Roasted peanuts contain nearly 2.5 times more oxalates.


Nuts are widely known for being incredibly dense in nutrients with varying health benefits. In this article, we will delve into the nutrition of peanuts and discuss everything you should know about it.

Peanuts are not botanically true nuts but legumes used as culinary nuts. Peanuts are also known as groundnut, goober, pindar, or monkey nut.


In this article, we will focus on the nutrition of raw peanuts of all types. We will also look into the nutritional compositions of oil-roasted and boiled peanuts with salt (1, 2).

Additionally, the notable nutritional differences between the three main cultivars of peanuts will be mentioned: Valencia, Spanish, and Virginia (3, 4, 5).

The average serving size of peanuts per person is 1 ounce or 28.35g.

Nutrient Density

Peanuts are incredibly nutritionally dense, consisting of 93% nutrients and only 7% water.

Valencia variety peanuts are a little richer in nutrients, containing 4% water.

Roasted peanuts lose water and contain only 1.5% of it, while boiled peanuts are less dense in nutrients overall, consisting of 42% water.

Macronutrients chart

25% 49% 17% 7% 3%
Daily Value: 52%
25.8 g of 50 g
25.8 g (52% of DV )
Daily Value: 76%
49.2 g of 65 g
49.2 g (76% of DV )
Daily Value: 5%
16.1 g of 300 g
16.1 g (5% of DV )
Daily Value: 0%
6.5 g of 2,000 g
6.5 g (0% of DV )
2.3 g
2.3 g


Peanuts provide a lot of energy, being so dense in nutrients. A 100g serving of peanuts provides 567 calories.

Consequently, one serving size of peanuts provides 161 calories.

A 100g of roasted peanuts contains 600 calories, while boiled peanuts are significantly lower in calories: 318 per 100g of the product.

What Do 576 Calories or 100 Grams of Peanuts Look Like?

"We measured what 100 grams of peanuts looks like to help you visualize their weight and calories. The picture below shows that about 112 peanuts make up 100 grams or 576 calories, meaning that one serving of peanuts (28.35g) is about 160 calories.

576 Calories or 100 Grams of Peanuts


Peanuts are so rich in nutrients that a 100g serving size of these nuts can provide more than half of the recommended daily value for proteins.

Research shows peanut proteins are nutritionally equivalent to meat and eggs for human health (6). This makes peanuts an excellent choice of protein for vegans and vegetarians.

A 100g serving of peanuts has 25.8g of protein. Accordingly, one average serving size of peanuts provides 7.3g of protein.

Peanuts are particularly rich in the amino acid arginine.

Roasted peanuts are richer in protein, in comparison, boiled peanuts contain half the amount.

Essential Amino Acids

The protein found in peanuts is of high quality, containing satisfactory amounts of all essential amino acids.

Peanuts are particularly richer in histidine, tryptophan, and threonine while being relatively lower in methionine and lysine.

Protein quality breakdown

Tryptophan Tryptophan Threonine Threonine Isoleucine Isoleucine Leucine Leucine Lysine Lysine Methionine Methionine Phenylalanine Phenylalanine Valine Valine Histidine Histidine 268% 252% 194% 184% 132% 91% 236% 178% 279%
Tryptophan: 750mg of 280mg 268%
Threonine: 2649mg of 1,050mg 252%
Isoleucine: 2721mg of 1,400mg 194%
Leucine: 5016mg of 2,730mg 184%
Lysine: 2778mg of 2,100mg 132%
Methionine: 951mg of 1,050mg 91%
Phenylalanine: 4131mg of 1,750mg 236%
Valine: 3246mg of 1,820mg 178%
Histidine: 1956mg of 700mg 279%


Peanuts are not very high in carbohydrates, as a 100g serving provides only 5% of the recommended daily value of carbohydrates.

A 100g serving size contains 16g of carbohydrates, almost 2 times less than rice.

Compared to the Spanish and Virginia varieties, Valencia is richer in carbohydrates.

Interestingly, boiled peanuts are higher in carbohydrates than roasted peanuts.

Net Carbs

The net carbs make up less than half of the overall carb content.

A 100g serving of peanuts provides 7.63g of net carbs. Consequently, one serving size contains only 2g of net carbs.

Of these carbs, 62% are comprised of sugars and 38% are comprised of other carbs, such as starch.

Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber makes up about 53% of peanuts’ carb content. Peanuts are in the top 13% of foods as a source of fiber, providing 8.5g of it per 100g serving.

A 100g of peanuts covers 34% of the recommended daily value of fiber.

The Spanish variety is relatively richer in dietary fiber.

The fiber found in peanuts consists of 94% insoluble and only 6% soluble fiber (7).

Fiber content ratio for Peanut

29% 53% 18%
Sugar: 4.7 g
Fiber: 8.5 g
Other: 2.9 g


Fat is one of the major nutrients found in peanuts. Almost half of the peanut’s mass is made up of fats.

100g of peanuts covers around 75% of the recommended daily value of fats. One serving size (1 oz) of peanuts contains 14g of fats.

Boiled peanuts are significantly lower in fats.

The fat content of peanuts consists of 53% monounsaturated, 34% polyunsaturated, and 13% saturated fats. Many researchers consider monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats heart-healthy.

The Spanish variety has a more favorable fat composition than other cultivars.

Fat type information

14% 53% 34%
Saturated fat: 6.3 g
Monounsaturated fat: 24 g
Polyunsaturated fat: 16 g

Monounsaturated Fats

The monounsaturated fat content consists almost entirely of oleic acid (8). Research has found that this compound improves the immune system and reduces central obesity (9, 10).

Polyunsaturated Fats

Peanuts’ polyunsaturated fats are made of omega-6 linoleic fatty acid, containing a negligible amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Linoleic acid intake has been associated with a reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (11).

Saturated Fats

The saturated fat content of peanuts is comprised of about 82% palmitic acid (5.15g), 17.5% stearic acid (1.1g), and 0.5% myristic acid (0.025g).

Along with polyunsaturated fats, palmitic acid plays an important role in the proper function of the human body. However, combined with excessive carbohydrate intake and a sedentary lifestyle, palmitic acid can have adverse health effects (12).


As a plant-based food, peanuts naturally do not contain cholesterol.


Peanuts are an excellent source of B-complex vitamins and vitamin E.

A 100g serving of peanuts covers the daily recommended value for vitamin B3 by 75%, vitamin B9 or folate by 60%, vitamin B1 by 53%, and vitamin E by 56%.

B-complex vitamins participate in energy metabolism, DNA synthesis and repair, and synthesis of various neurochemicals and signaling molecules required for the normal functioning of organ systems. They are also required for adequate immune response (13, 14).

Vitamin E, abundant in peanuts, is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant activity; thus, it protects the cells from harmful free radicals and reduces the risk of developing heart disease and cancer (15).

Peanuts also contain moderate levels of vitamins B2, B5, and B6. Peanuts completely lack water-soluble vitamin C and vitamin B12 and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K.

Vitamin coverage chart

Vitamin A Vit. A Vitamin E Vit. E Vitamin D Vit. D Vitamin C Vit. C Vitamin B1 Vit. B1 Vitamin B2 Vit. B2 Vitamin B3 Vit. B3 Vitamin B5 Vit. B5 Vitamin B6 Vit. B6 Folate Folate Vitamin B12 Vit. B12 Choline Choline Vitamin K Vit. K 0% 167% 0% 0% 160% 31% 226% 106% 80% 180% 0% 29% 0%
Vitamin A: 0µg of 900µg 0%
Vitamin E: 25mg of 15mg 167%
Vitamin D: 0µg of 20µg 0%
Vitamin C: 0mg of 90mg 0%
Vitamin B1: 1.9mg of 1mg 160%
Vitamin B2: 0.41mg of 1mg 31%
Vitamin B3: 36mg of 16mg 226%
Vitamin B5: 5.3mg of 5mg 106%
Vitamin B6: 1mg of 1mg 80%
Folate: 720µg of 400µg 180%
Vitamin B12: 0µg of 2µg 0%
Choline: 158mg of 550mg 29%
Vitamin K: 0µg of 120µg 0%


Peanuts are rich in almost all minerals.

A 100g serving of peanuts provides even more than the recommended daily amount of copper.

Peanuts are in the top 12% of foods as a source of magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. These nuts are also incredibly rich in calcium, manganese, and zinc while containing moderate levels of selenium and choline.

Mineral coverage chart

Calcium Calcium Iron Iron Magnesium Magnesium Phosphorus Phosphorus Potassium Potassium Sodium Sodium Zinc Zinc Copper Copper Manganese Manganese Selenium Selenium 28% 172% 120% 161% 62% 2.3% 89% 381% 252% 39%
Calcium: 276mg of 1,000mg 28%
Iron: 14mg of 8mg 172%
Magnesium: 504mg of 420mg 120%
Phosphorus: 1128mg of 700mg 161%
Potassium: 2115mg of 3,400mg 62%
Sodium: 54mg of 2,300mg 2.3%
Zinc: 9.8mg of 11mg 89%
Copper: 3.4mg of 1mg 381%
Manganese: 5.8mg of 2mg 252%
Selenium: 22µg of 55µg 39%

Peanuts also contain a nutritionally significant amount of the chromium element (16).


Peanuts without added salt are low in sodium, containing only 18mg per 100g serving.

In contrast, 100g of oil-roasted salted peanuts contain 320mg of sodium, while boiled peanuts with salt provide almost 2.5 times more sodium (751mg).

For reference, the recommended amount of sodium is less than 2300mg daily (17).


Oxalates or oxalic acids are compounds in most nuts, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Oxalate consumption is safe for most people; however, people at risk of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones should avoid foods high in oxalates.

Peanuts are high in oxalates, containing 76mg per 100g serving. Roasted peanuts contain nearly 2.5 times more oxalates: 187mg per 100g serving (18, 19).


Polyphenolic Compounds

Peanuts are a great source of polyphenolic compounds, such as resveratrol, polyphenolic acids, isoflavones, and flavonoids. These strong antioxidant compounds can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and degenerative nerve disease by preventing cell damage (20).


Phytosterols or plant sterols reduce cholesterol absorption into the bloodstream by being structurally similar to cholesterol.

Due to this function, phytosterols can help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease (21).

Peanuts and peanut products are particularly rich in phytosterols such as beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol. These compounds may also reduce inflammation and cancer risk (22).

Glycemic Index

The exact number for the glycemic index of peanuts depends on the variety and cooking method. However, all of those numbers fall in the low glycemic index category.

Boiled peanuts from the Philippines had the lowest glycemic index value of 5. Meanwhile, peanuts from Mexico had the highest glycemic index value of 23 (23).

That being said, the average glycemic index value of peanuts can be considered to be 13 (24).

Insulin Index

Food's insulin index shows how much it raises blood insulin levels in the first few hours after consumption.

The insulin index for salted roasted peanuts has been researched to be 20±5 (25).


Peanuts have a close to neutral acidity. Raw peanuts have a pH value 6.9, while roasted peanuts’ pH value is about 6.3 (26).

The potential renal acid load or PRAL measures how much base or acid the given food produces inside the body. The PRAL value for peanuts is 6.2, making it an acid-producing food.

Comparison to Similar Foods

Peanuts are richer in protein compared to other legumes and grains, including kidney beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, soybean flour, wheat flour, and rice (22).

Peanuts contain 9 times more protein than broccoli.

Peanuts are also richer in proteins compared to other nuts, such as cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, and pistachios (20).

Peanuts are 2.5 times richer in monounsaturated fats than avocados but contain 3 times less polyunsaturated fats than walnuts.

Peanuts are higher in vitamin B3, vitamin E, and choline compared to most other nuts and soybeans (20).

If interested, you can find complete in-depth comparisons of “Peanut vs. Cashew,” “Peanut vs. Almond,” “Peanut vs. Pecan,” and “Peanut vs. Walnut.”


Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan
Education: General Medicine at YSMU
Last updated: October 06, 2023
Medically reviewed by Arpi Gasparyan

Top nutrition facts for Peanut

Calories  ⓘ Calories for selected serving 567 kcal
Glycemic index ⓘ Source:
Check out our Glycemic index chart page for the full list.
13 (low)
Insulin index  ⓘ – 20 20
Net Carbs  ⓘ Net Carbs = Total Carbohydrates – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols 8 grams
Default serving size  ⓘ Serving sizes are mostly taken from FDA's Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed (RACCs) 1 oz (28.35 grams)
Acidity (Based on PRAL)  ⓘ PRAL (Potential renal acid load) is calculated using a formula. On the PRAL scale the higher the positive value, the more is the acidifying effect on the body. The lower the negative value, the higher the alkalinity of the food. 0 is neutral. 6.2 (acidic)
Oxalates  ⓘ 76 mg
TOP 3% Fats ⓘHigher in Fats content than 97% of foods
TOP 3% Calories ⓘHigher in Calories content than 97% of foods
TOP 9% Potassium ⓘHigher in Potassium content than 91% of foods
TOP 10% Monounsaturated fat ⓘHigher in Monounsaturated fat content than 90% of foods
TOP 10% Polyunsaturated fat ⓘHigher in Polyunsaturated fat content than 90% of foods

Peanut calories (kcal)

Calories for different serving sizes of peanut Calories Weight
Calories in 100 grams 567
Calories in 1 oz 161 28.35 g
Calories in 1 cup 828 146 g
Calories for different varieties of peanut Calories Weight
Peanuts, all types, raw (this food) 567 100 g
Peanuts, all types, cooked, boiled, with salt 318 100 g
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, with salt 587 100 g
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, without salt 587 100 g
Peanuts, all types, oil-roasted, with salt 599 100 g
Peanuts, all types, oil-roasted, without salt 599 100 g

Mineral chart - relative view

705 mg
TOP 9%
168 mg
TOP 11%
4.6 mg
TOP 12%
376 mg
TOP 12%
1.1 mg
TOP 16%
92 mg
TOP 24%
1.9 mg
TOP 28%
3.3 mg
TOP 28%
7.2 µg
TOP 64%
18 mg
TOP 82%

Vitamin chart - relative view

12 mg
TOP 11%
0.64 mg
TOP 14%
240 µg
TOP 18%
1.8 mg
TOP 28%
8.3 mg
TOP 35%
0.35 mg
TOP 36%
0.14 mg
TOP 61%
53 mg
TOP 65%
0 mg
TOP 100%
0 µg
TOP 100%
0 µg
TOP 100%
0 µg
TOP 100%
0 µg
TOP 100%

All nutrients for Peanut per selected serving size (100 g)

Nutrient Value DV% In TOP % of foods Comparison
Vitamin A 0µg 0% 100%
Calories 567kcal 28% 3% 12.1 times more than OrangeOrange
Protein 26g 61% 12% 9.1 times more than BroccoliBroccoli
Fats 49g 76% 3% 1.5 times more than CheeseCheese
Vitamin C 0mg 0% 100% N/ALemon
Net carbs 7.6g N/A 50% 7.1 times less than ChocolateChocolate
Carbs 16g 5% 39% 1.7 times less than RiceRice
Cholesterol 0mg 0% 100% N/AEgg
Vitamin D 0µg 0% 100% N/AEgg
Magnesium 168mg 40% 11% 1.2 times more than AlmondsAlmonds
Calcium 92mg 9% 24% 1.4 times less than MilkMilk
Potassium 705mg 21% 9% 4.8 times more than CucumberCucumber
Iron 4.6mg 57% 12% 1.8 times more than Beef broiledBeef broiled
Sugar 4.7g N/A 49% 1.9 times less than Coca-ColaCoca-Cola
Fiber 8.5g 34% 13% 3.5 times more than OrangeOrange
Copper 1.1mg 127% 16% 8.1 times more than ShiitakeShiitake
Zinc 3.3mg 30% 28% 1.9 times less than Beef broiledBeef broiled
Phosphorus 376mg 54% 12% 2.1 times more than Chicken meatChicken meat
Sodium 18mg 1% 82% 27.2 times less than White breadWhite bread
Vitamin E 8.3mg 56% 35% 5.7 times more than KiwiKiwi
Manganese 1.9mg 84% 28%
Selenium 7.2µg 13% 64%
Vitamin B1 0.64mg 53% 14% 2.4 times more than Pea rawPea raw
Vitamin B2 0.14mg 10% 61% Equal to AvocadoAvocado
Vitamin B3 12mg 75% 11% 1.3 times more than Turkey meatTurkey meat
Vitamin B5 1.8mg 35% 28% 1.6 times more than Sunflower seedsSunflower seeds
Vitamin B6 0.35mg 27% 36% 2.9 times more than OatsOats
Vitamin B12 0µg 0% 100% N/APork
Vitamin K 0µg 0% 100% N/ABroccoli
Trans fat 0g N/A 100% N/AMargarine
Folate 240µg 60% 18% 3.9 times more than Brussels sproutsBrussels sprouts
Saturated fat 6.3g 31% 20% 1.1 times more than Beef broiledBeef broiled
Choline 53mg 10% 65%
Monounsaturated fat 24g N/A 10% 2.5 times more than AvocadoAvocado
Polyunsaturated fat 16g N/A 10% 3 times less than WalnutWalnut
Tryptophan 0.25mg 0% 57% 1.2 times less than Chicken meatChicken meat
Threonine 0.88mg 0% 61% 1.2 times more than Beef broiledBeef broiled
Isoleucine 0.91mg 0% 63% Equal to Salmon rawSalmon raw
Leucine 1.7mg 0% 61% 1.5 times less than Tuna BluefinTuna Bluefin
Lysine 0.93mg 0% 72% 2 times more than TofuTofu
Methionine 0.32mg 0% 71% 3.3 times more than QuinoaQuinoa
Phenylalanine 1.4mg 0% 43% 2.1 times more than EggEgg
Valine 1.1mg 0% 59% 1.9 times less than Soybean rawSoybean raw
Histidine 0.65mg 0% 62% 1.1 times less than Turkey meatTurkey meat
Caffeine 0mg 0% 100%
Omega-3 - EPA 0g N/A 100% N/ASalmon
Omega-3 - DHA 0g N/A 100% N/ASalmon
Omega-3 - DPA 0g N/A 100% N/ASalmon

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Nutrition Facts
___servings per container
Serving Size ______________
Amount Per 100g
Calories 567
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 49g
Saturated Fat 6.3g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 18mg
Total Carbohydrate 16g
Dietary Fiber 8.5g
Total Sugars 0g
Includes ? g Added Sugars
Protein 26g
Vitamin D 0mcg 0

Calcium 92mg 9.2%

Iron 4.6mg 57%

Potassium 705mg 21%

The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.

Health checks

ⓘ  Dietary cholesterol is not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease in healthy individuals. However, dietary cholesterol is common in foods that are high in harmful saturated fats.
Low in Cholesterol
ⓘ  Trans fat consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality by negatively affecting blood lipid levels.
No Trans Fats
ⓘ  Saturated fat intake can raise total cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels, leading to an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Dietary guidelines recommend limiting saturated fats to under 10% of calories a day.
Low in Saturated Fats
ⓘ  Increased sodium consumption leads to elevated blood pressure.
Low in Sodium
ⓘ  While the consumption of moderate amounts of added sugars is not detrimental to health, an excessive intake can increase the risk of obesity, and therefore, diabetes.
Low in Sugars

Peanut nutrition infographic

Peanut nutrition infographic
Infographic link


All the values for which the sources are not specified explicitly are taken from FDA’s Food Central. The exact link to the food presented on this page can be found below.


Data provided by should be considered and used as information only. Please consult your physician before beginning any diet.