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Starch Reach Foods

List of Starch Reach Foods

Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Cornmeal contains more Starch than 13% of the foods. 100 grams of Cornmeal contains 30% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Cornmeal
higher than 13% of foods Daily Value 30% in 100 grams
Cornmeal is also rich in Net carbs, Carbs and Iron
96% Net carbs
95% Carbs
88% Iron
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Pretzel contains more Starch than 13% of the foods. 100 grams of Pretzel contains 30% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Pretzel
higher than 13% of foods Daily Value 30% in 100 grams
Pretzel is also rich in Net carbs, Sodium and Carbs
97% Net carbs
96% Sodium
96% Carbs
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Millet flour contains more Starch than 13% of the foods. 100 grams of Millet flour contains 29% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Millet flour
higher than 13% of foods Daily Value 29% in 100 grams
Millet flour is also rich in Net carbs, Carbs and Magnesium
94% Net carbs
93% Carbs
87% Magnesium
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Spelt contains more Starch than 12% of the foods. 100 grams of Spelt contains 22% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Spelt
higher than 12% of foods Daily Value 22% in 100 grams
Spelt is also rich in Fiber, Carbs and Phosphorus
90% Fiber
89% Carbs
89% Phosphorus
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Khorasan wheat contains more Starch than 12% of the foods. 100 grams of Khorasan wheat contains 22% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Khorasan wheat
higher than 12% of foods Daily Value 22% in 100 grams
Khorasan wheat is also rich in Fiber, Carbs and Magnesium
90% Fiber
90% Carbs
87% Magnesium
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
White bread contains more Starch than 11% of the foods. 100 grams of White bread contains 15% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. White bread
higher than 11% of foods Daily Value 15% in 100 grams
White bread is also rich in Iron, Calcium and Vitamin B1
85% Iron
85% Calcium
84% Vitamin B1
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Teff contains more Starch than 11% of the foods. 100 grams of Teff contains 15% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Teff
higher than 11% of foods Daily Value 15% in 100 grams
Teff is also rich in Iron, Carbs and Net carbs
92% Iron
91% Carbs
89% Net carbs
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Bean raw contains more Starch than 11% of the foods. 100 grams of Bean raw contains 14% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Bean raw
higher than 11% of foods Daily Value 14% in 100 grams
Bean raw is also rich in Potassium, Fiber and Iron
94% Potassium
92% Fiber
90% Iron
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Spaghetti contains more Starch than 10% of the foods. 100 grams of Spaghetti contains 11% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Spaghetti
higher than 10% of foods Daily Value 11% in 100 grams
Spaghetti is also rich in Net carbs, Carbs and Selenium
74% Net carbs
74% Carbs
63% Selenium
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Brown rice contains more Starch than 10% of the foods. 100 grams of Brown rice contains 10% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Brown rice
higher than 10% of foods Daily Value 10% in 100 grams
Brown rice is also rich in Magnesium, Net carbs and Carbs
74% Magnesium
72% Net carbs
71% Carbs
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Cashew contains more Starch than 10% of the foods. 100 grams of Cashew contains 10% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Cashew
higher than 10% of foods Daily Value 10% in 100 grams
Cashew is also rich in Calories, Fats and Iron
96% Calories
96% Fats
92% Iron
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Amaranth contains more Starch than 8% of the foods. 100 grams of Amaranth contains 7% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Amaranth
higher than 8% of foods Daily Value 7% in 100 grams
Amaranth is also rich in Magnesium, Manganese and Calcium
82% Magnesium
67% Manganese
65% Calcium
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Potato contains more Starch than 7% of the foods. 100 grams of Potato contains 6% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Potato
higher than 7% of foods Daily Value 6% in 100 grams
Potato is also rich in Potassium, Vitamin C and Fiber
84% Potassium
81% Vitamin C
65% Fiber
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Oatmeal contains more Starch than 7% of the foods. 100 grams of Oatmeal contains 4% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Oatmeal
higher than 7% of foods Daily Value 4% in 100 grams
Oatmeal is also rich in Iron, Vitamin A and Calcium
91% Iron
75% Vitamin A
74% Calcium
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Corn raw contains more Starch than 5% of the foods. 100 grams of Corn raw contains 2% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Corn raw
higher than 5% of foods Daily Value 2% in 100 grams
Corn raw is also rich in Magnesium, Vitamin C and Folate, food
73% Magnesium
73% Vitamin C
70% Folate, food
Compare to other Starch Reach Foods
Banana contains more Starch than 5% of the foods. 100 grams of Banana contains 2% of the Starch that you need to consume daily. Banana
higher than 5% of foods Daily Value 2% in 100 grams
Banana is also rich in Potassium, Vitamin C and Fiber
76% Potassium
75% Vitamin C
70% Fiber


All the values for which the sources are not specified explicitly are taken from FDA’s Food Central. The exact link to the food presented on this page can be found below.

  1. Cornmeal -
  2. Pretzel -
  3. Millet flour -
  4. Spelt -
  5. Khorasan wheat -
  6. White bread -
  7. Teff -
  8. Bean raw -
  9. Spaghetti -
  10. Brown rice -
  11. Cashew -
  12. Amaranth -
  13. Potato -
  14. Oatmeal -
  15. Corn raw -
  16. Banana -

Data provided by should be considered and used as information only. Please consult your physician before beginning any diet.